
Prices of hotels and restaurants in the countries of the region

Hotels and restaurants in Montenegro are the most expensive in the region, while Switzerland is the most expensive in Europe, according to Eurostat data for 2021.

Montenegro is the first in terms of the cost of hotels and restaurants, with about 57 percent more than the European average, followed by Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina (55 percent).

Albania and North Macedonia are not only the cheapest in the region, but also among the cheapest in the whole of Europe, with 46.2 percent of the European average. At the back is Turkey, where you can find the cheapest accommodation and food in Europe.

The most expensive European country is Switzerland, where 168 percent of the European average is paid in hotels and restaurants.

According to Eurostat data, nominal costs per inhabitant for hotels and restaurants in 2021 amounted to 1,067 euros, while in Switzerland they exceeded 2,200 euros, the RTCG portal reported.

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