According to the latest statistics from 2017, Serbs live an average of 77 years, which is not a small amount, and how much the diet affects that remains to be determined. On the other hand, a scientific analysis of the University “UNI” in Northern Iowa in the USA suggests that moderate, but regular consumption of wine and cheese improves cognitive functions in old age. This, another in a series of studies confirming the benefits of the Mediterranean diet, included data on the diet and health of more than 1,500 people from the UK.
Study says cheese is by far the best food when it comes to preventing dementia. This conclusion was reached by analyzing dietary data and cognitive tests performed over a ten-year period. Also, it has been proven again that red wine preserves brain functions. Alzheimer’s, as the most common form of dementia, is characterized by the accumulation of a certain type of protein in the brain, which is formed into balls and “catches” on nerve cells, and as a result, they die. An ingredient in red wine that belongs to the polyphenol family – resveratrol is what makes this drink healing. At the same time, scientists believe that this polyphenol could affect the prolongation of the life of nerve cells.
During this research, it was discovered that moderate consumption of lamb – once a week – also has a positive effect on the preservation of cognitive functions. However, serious clinical studies need to be conducted to determine exactly what dietary changes lead to the most favorable outcomes for human brain health.
Tamara Roksandić
Photographs: pixabay